3 Things To Understand About Redwork Embroidery Patterns

If you are just taking up the art of embroidery, you may want to start with redwork embroidery patterns. These patterns use just one color thread and are popular form of embroidery patterns. 

#1 Single Shade of Thread

One of the most defining features of a redwork embroidery pattern is the number of colors used in the pattern. Redwork embroidery patterns only use one color of thread, in contrast with other types of embroidery patterns, which use multiple types of thread.

The use of only one color of thread makes redwork embroidery patterns a little simpler and straightforward, since you don't have to change colors while working on the pattern. These types of patterns are often the ones that beginners try since they only have to focus on the pattern, and not on the change out and switching to different colored thread.

#2 Thread Doesn't Have to Be Red

When doing a redwork embroidery pattern, the color of thread that you use doesn't have to be red. The use of the term redwork is a historic reference. When these embroidery patterns first came to be, red was one of the only colors of dyes that was actually colorfast, and thus was the most popular color of string from embroidery projects. The number of thread colors was limited, and the number of thread colors that were colorfast were even smaller.

Even though other colors can be used with redwork embroidery patterns, red colored thread has continued to dominate this type of pattern years after the necessity of using red thread had faded. You can use whatever color you like on redwork embroidery project.

#3 Patterns Require Minimal Fill Work

Redwork embroidery patterns are generally patterns that are simpler to complete. With redwork patterns, the vast majority of the pattern is about outlining the pattern. There are generally very little areas that require filling in a redwork pattern. A redwork pattern is more about giving you the feeling of certain shapes instead of filling in and creating those shapes and figures in detail.

Redwork patterns use simple stitches. They generally use stem stitches for the outline and may use French knots, split and satin stitches for any filling that the pattern requires. The minimum number of stitches that one has to know in order to complete a redwork pattern also makes this type of pattern a great introductory pattern for beginners to the art of embroidery. 

About Me

The Joy of Learning a New Hobby

When I was a kid, I became stressed easily. Because I always wanted to make good grades in school, I worried about studying for tests, completing complex homework assignments, and doing class projects. Thankfully, I developed a hobby at an early age that helped relieve stress. After my parents bought me a hula-hoop, I spent many hours learning how to expertly twirl it around my waist. Once I was able to keep a hula-hoop twirling around my waist for an extended period of time, I started learning advance moves. I never tired of improving my skills with a hula-hoop. Throughout the years, I’ve turned to this fun hobby after experiencing difficult times. On this blog, I hope you will discover the happiness learning a new hobby can bring you.


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